Special offers on all our services.
At Mercedes-Benz de Boucherville, we have several current and seasonal offers that make it much more affordable than you’d think to buy a new or pre-owned Mercedes-Benz vehicle. When you trust us for all your vehicle needs, you’re sure to get more for your money.
Come discover the current offers available in each of our departments today. Whether you’re looking for a new or pre-owned vehicle, or require servicing, Mercedes-Benz de Boucherville has the current offer for you.
At Mercedes-Benz de Boucherville, we’re always listening to your needs. Discover our vast inventory of new and pre-owned vehicles that come with current offers and advantageous interest rates. We also have offers on our certified pre-owned vehicles.
Mercedes-Benz always offers more for your money, and at Mercedes-Benz de Boucherville, we’re proud to give you more value than our competitors. Discover our current offers today.
We also have offers on our after-sales services as well as our genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and accessories. For more information, contact us today!